Reading / Writing Room

Merely recognizing our complicity in patriarchal systems of power will not change them. We must do the work to educate those around us, have critical conversations about the real ways in which patriarchal systems harm us all, and take real world actions to confront them. The production of alternative media is a concrete action that can be made accessible to all people, allowing them to share their ideas and experiences in order to upend patriarchal structures of oppression. I believe that it is my responsibility to share independent publishing techniques with a public outside of academia and the art world. An important part of my practice is focused on creating spaces for critical conversation through self-publishing. I explore this mode of artistic engagement through an interactive exhibit within my show. Reading / Writing Room consists of a small library curated with books addressing concepts in the realms of media archeology, publishing as artistic practice, feminist theory, and patriarchal structures. The collection includes many self-published works from a variety of artists and authors. A contemplative space is created for browsing through this material, with comfortable seating and lighting ideal for reading. A projection of hands turning pages illuminates the walls. Viewers are prompted to contribute a submission to a collaborative publication through an interactive zine making station. This allows them to participate in the unmaking of patriarchy by contributing their voice to the realm of media production and dissemination. This portion of the exhibition extends to an online submission process at: I see this project as a beginning; a catalyst for the action oriented work I continually pursue in my artistic practice. I plan to continue this project indefinitely, shaping its structure to suit different audiences and needs.