
Currently, Caitlin teaches numerous workshops out of her private studio, Wheelhouse Press. Check the schedule here for more information.

Currently Caitlin is working with a team of supporters to create a non-profit organization focused on providing quality education in printmaking, book arts, and independent publishing. See more info about this project here:


Caitlin is the Lead Teacher at Work of Art, a program of Idaho Parents Unlimited, supported by The Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.

The program provides paid pre-employment skills experience for students with disabilities ages 15-21 through the creation of artistic products for professional businesses and nonprofits. Through a 2 week program, students work with a client in the role of a designer, and produce creative solutions and physical products for the client while learning the essential skills of employment.

Caitlin has taught printmaking classes at Idaho State University, the Oregon College of Art & Craft, Boise State University, and Boise Art Museum.

She organized the Annual Portland Letterpress Printers Fair as part of Design Week Portland in 2016 and 2017. In addition to these experiences, Caitlin worked as the Studio Manager at the Independent Publishing Resource Center in Portland, Oregon. Through her role she initiated numerous publicly beneficial printmaking activities in response to her communities’ needs.

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Student work

Final Artist’s Books | Printmaking 309 / 409 GA | Boise State University

SPACE: Collaborative artist book | Printmaking 309 / 409 GA | Boise State University