BELOW THE FOLD - MFA Thesis Exhibition - May, 2020
My work reflects upon the technology of the book and its changing role in our culture. I seek to open up moments of reflection upon the mediating technologies of the past, present, and future in order to make their operations visible to us. Below the Fold explores the effects of patriarchal systems by analyzing the influence of patriarchy on mediums of communication. I am interested in uncovering how mediated forms continue to function in our world utilizing interactive mechanisms, time based sculpture, printing, and publication. I explore the book as a form to interrogate. By demonstrating or disrupting modes of communication, their invisible structures and our complicity in them may become visible. Merely recognizing our complicity in patriarchal systems of power will not change them. We must do the work to educate those around us, have critical conversations about the real ways in which patriarchal systems harm us all, and take real world actions to confront them. My practice is focused on creating spaces for critical conversation through sharing independent publishing techniques and opportunities with the public.